AWS Naming convention

Main considerations

Our conventions are described here, The main terms we will use are :

The main rule is pretty simple, the name of a resource should be composed like that (with some exceptions, that's why there is a list in completion) :


List of resources



example : wsc-dev-vpc1-vpc



example : wsc-dev-eu-west-1b-myapp-public

Route tables


routetype values :

public : when the rt has a route to internet gateway, instances access directly to internet using public ips.

private : when the rt has a route to nat gateway, instances don't have external access, they don't have public ips.

example : wsc-dev-eu-west-1b-myapp-private-rt

NAT Gateway


example : wsc-dev-ngw

Internet Gateway


example : wsc-dev-nginx-igw

Application Load Balancer


example : wsc-dev-myapp-alb

Elastic Load Balancer (classic)


example : wsc-dev-myapp-elbv1

Target Group


example : wsc-dev-myapp-tg

Elastic IP


example : wsc-dev-eu-west-1b-myapp-eip

Launch Template


example : wsc-dev-bastion-lt

Launch Configuration


example : wsc-dev-myapp-lc

AutoScaling Group


example : wsc-dev-myapp-asg

Security Group


example : wsc-dev-myapp-sg

EC2 Instance


example : wsc-dev-myapp

Key pair


example : kerbedj.mehdi

S3 Bucket


example : wsc-dev--eu-west-1-tfstate



example: wsc-dev-nginx-lock